Ultimately we are our own healers! We hold all the information and knowledge we need to enable to us to remove all that is limiting and unhealthy for us and to connect with and direct us to, that which we, as individuals, need to gain and maintain a healthy wholesome life. My work, and my joy, from lifetimes of shamanic practice and self discovery, is to offer you direct experience in your journey of you becoming your own healer, teacher, guide; self empowered.
Wherever you are at in your journey of life, whatever your life path has been up until this moment, if you are seeking help in your healing journey, to become more aware of and connected to your own information you have about yourself, to connect with your spirit guides and your own talents and gifts, to become much more of who you are, I can offer authentic spiritual assistance in that process. The benefits of energetic/shamanic assistance, re:membering therapy are multi fold, catalystic and continuing.
One of the most empowering healing experiences we can have is to create and establish a connection with our higher self. Our higher/spiritual selves hold all of our knowledge and information about ourselves from this lifetime and those of past and future. Once we have accessed and experienced that connection and begin to trust the information we receive we open ourselves up to and attract those things into our lives that will bring us well being on all levels.
Cultivate compassion, unconditional love, response ability, integrity, and the art of making informed choices
Free 15min phone consultation.
Call now on: 01227 637582 / 07884 230541